Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Gray Glamour

The grayish blue sky makes everything glow 
In only the way the cool light can
Instead of the red, orange, green
The white, yellow, and beige reign 
All of these plants are quiet
Radiate softly 
Always present 
Being Home to many 
Largely ignored 
They are in our way.. not bending to our will 
Their voices are unheard 
We do not sit still 
Too fast for me 
Soaking up beauty 
Peace and comfort 
I observe it's resilience
Appearing in scratches in pavement 

The thick naked brush 
Crossed over each branch with purpose 
But stiff Inflexible and unyielding 
Unlike twisting vines 
Wrapping around and around
Easy to bend, flex, transition
Clinging to everything that stands still long enough 
Leaves falling off 
Exposing the movement of the plants 
While the long grass sway in individually 
But in isolated groups 
Unlike waves 
Like disturbed bodies of water 
A rippling effect 
It has a continuous rhythmic calming effect all the same

 DuRussel 2024