Monday, February 1, 2010

The other concept beg thoughts draft

The "Other" concept has been around since humanity began. You find it in religions and tribal myth and folk tales. It serves a purpose. This concept keeps tradition, some would say it also preserves culture: 2 and 5a,b.
Does culture preserve the other concept? yes ex: folk tales, popular culture, gays, women, groups. So where does holistic healing come in?

Education- taught how to live life/ what in life matters
The other concept is not necessary. at least not the key. (western culture) (definition self awareness) and Buddhism focuses on escaping otherism
scientific creationism theory 2-1-2
(though its irrelevant if its true)

look up holistic. are animals and plants holistic? is it a set of philosophies?
it transcends concept.
frontal lobe- culture process
pg 4 holistic healing "robert s ivker, d.o., past president of the ahma describes holistic health as 'the unlimited..." (melanie has my book.)

communication even more important than education science, amebas communicate
thats why otherism worked in smaller groups. Others were demonized or celebrated and did not encounter people similar to themselves.

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