Monday, March 15, 2010

Holistic Healing notes 1

pg 4
According to the American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA), holistic medicine is defined as the art and science of healing that addresses the whole person- body, mind and spirit- by integrating conventional and alternative therapies to prevent and treat disease, and to promote optimal health. AHMA members recognize that both conventional and alternative therapies have their place and combine both in order to offer their patients a full range of treatment options tailored to each patient's
specific needs. At the same time, holistic physicians emphasize personal responsibility and educate their patients about how to take care of themselves at all levels of their being.
pg 14-15
Multilevel approach to wellness, body mind and soul.

1! Physical. EXERCISE
2! Environmental. Nutrition. Respect. Being Grounded.
3! Mental. Goals. Optimism. Humor.
4! Emotional. Self-acceptance. Self-esteem. EXPRESSING WHAT YOU FEEL.
5! Spiritual. Having sense of purpose. Trusting you intuition.
Being able to welcome change.
6! Social. Enjoying intimacy. Being able to Forgive. Selflessness. Altruism.
Deep, committed relationships.

It's a philosophy. To live in a healthy space, we need to love ourselves and each other and allow ourselves to be the human beings we are. I believe this with every ounce I have. When we accept and love ourselves nothing will come but nurturing healing and an adoration for those around us. Because we all are human and share so much with each other after all.

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